Friday, March 12, 2010

Welcome to the Land of Misfit Singers...You're not gonna like it here!

1.of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an idiot.
2.senselessly foolish or stupid: an idiotic remark. 
Use in a sentence:  The people who voted for Paige, Katie and Aaron, resulting in them making the Top 12 on American Idol, are idiotic.
1.of the nature of or involving gross injury or wrong: an outrageous slander.
2.grossly offensive to the sense of right or decency: outrageous behavior; an outrageous remark.
3.passing reasonable bounds; intolerable or shocking: an outrageous price.
4.violent in action or temper.
5.highly unusual or unconventional; extravagant; remarkable: a child of the most outrageous precocity; a fancy dive performed with outrageous ease.  
Use in a sentence:  Lilly not making the Top 12 on American Idol is outrageous!
Tone Deaf:
1.unable to distinguish differences in pitch in musical sounds when producing or hearing them.
Use in a sentence:  Whoever voted for Aaron to make the Top 12 on American Idol must be tone deaf.

Okay, that was somewhat fun and cathartic.  Sadly, I could go on and on selecting words that aptly describe what transpired on American Idol last night and then using them to slam the voting public for allowing such a miscarriage of epic proportions to occur.  You can't say that I didn't foreshadow this happening though.  I tried to warn everyone.  Even though my words were meant to be entertaining (likening what was playing out each week as bizarro; reminding everyone that the likes of Savol, Sanjaya, et. al. have made the Top 12) even I couldn't have predicted that both Katelyn and Lilly would be out and Paige and Katie would be in.  And I certainly didn't think that Alex had fewer supporters and followers than Aaron and Tim.  But that's just not how things play out on Idol.  This isn't a fairytale.  The good guys don't always win.  This is American Idol. 

Let's take a step back; think clearly for a moment (something that the voters didn't do on Wednesday night) and look at this rationally. Why should the viewers of American Idol be surprised that one very good and entertaining singer - Lilly, was voted out in favor of 2 not so good or remotely entertaining singers - Paige and Katie. After all, this is the country that voted for both George H.W. Bush and George "Dubya" Bush as President of the United States. Not a good track record if you ask me. Face it, the voters in this country are often wildly wrong and far too frequently moronic. Now I'm not actually suggesting that voting on American Idol is as important as voting for the President of the United States. I"m simply using it as an example of how stupid voters can be. Besides, everyone knows that more votes are cast on American Idol then are cast during a Presdiential election.

Speaking of looking at things rationally, if you think about it, this whole season has been a nightmare from the get go. First, the guest Judges (Victoria, NPH and Shania aside) were all useless and on occassion, downright rude. Second, the talent that was cast aside during Hollywood week (Angela Martin, Jermaine Purifoy, Thaddeus) in favor of rubbish like Tim, Haeley and Aaron. It makes me wonder how different last nights show could have gone. For me the reality of the situation is that thus far, I have not really enjoyed the show, the contestants, the God awful group numbers (then again I have never enjoyed those!), the unhelpful and contradictory critiques; the guest singers; or the editing. What I have enjoyed is Ellen, Ryan, Crystal, Lilly, Alex, Siobhan, and writing this blog. That gives me the sneeking suspision that I will be enjoying X-Factor next season instead of Idol and that makes me a bit queasy. For all the Judges talk that the contestants need to step up their game and really work hard each week selecting the right songs and arrangements for their performances, the Judges themselves along with the show's producers should also heed that advice and get their act together otherwise Simon is going to take a large chunk of the audience with him at the end of the season when he leaves to start X-Factor. I'm just saying...

That's it for my diatribe.  Now it's time for the recap!

The 12 Silver Stools of Safety need to be filled so here it goes:

Ryan calls out Didi, who was looking very Brooke White, and tells her she's safe.

Ryan then asks Siobhan to join him on stage.  The "Dark Horse" is also quickly told she's safe.

Ryan then requests that both Paige and Katelyn join him on stage.  It was at this point that I realized that Ryan was referencing this moment when he stated at the opening that we "could be in for a surprise or two."  Ryan then asks Simon which girl has the most potential.  Simon manages to put them both down before finally saying that Paige has the most potential.  Ruan then announces that Paige is indeed safe.  After Katelyn sings her farewell song, minus her casio which had to be returned to the prop department at the local high school, the girls all hug it out.  Now, I don't know if anyone else caught this but I did - well, thanks to Alyssa's keen eye as I was furiously writing notes...!  I had to rewind it (I DVR the shows) but you can clearly see Crystal mouth this to Katelyn, "That's so f#%&ed up."  Classic!

Moving the show right along, Ryan has Tim, Toderick, Lee and Casey all come out on stage.  Quickly Ryan sends Tim to occupy a Silver Stool of Safety.  I actually wrote WTF!! in my notes. 

After brief back and forth's with the Judges on Casey "You stripped for Kara" and Lee "Best voice of all the guys," Casey is sent to safety.  That leaves Lee and Toderick.  It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the guy still wearing cutoff gloves was going home.  Bye bye Toderick.  See you on Broadway - maybe.

The camer then began it's tormenting of Katie who was looking positivelt vomitous.  She's just a mess!

Returning to the show to prolong the remaining contestants agony are Scott M. and Matt G. from last season with a piano duet of Billy Joel's "Tell Her About It."  Why in the world would Idol make Scott and Matt play that crappy song when they easily could have done thier own thing and really rocked the house.  But that's Idol for ya!

After chatting briefly with both Scott and Matt (who knew he had a #1 on iTunes Jazz) Ryan got right back to filling up the Silver Stools of Safety.

First up was Crystal who was still looking angry and nervous.  Even after telling her that she was safe, Crystal didn't crack a smile.  Apparently Katelyn's ousting touched a nerve.

Big Mike was then sent to safety but not before Ryan insulted him by asking "can you fit on 1 stool?"  Seriously Ryan? 

Ryan then sent Lacey to grab a stool and she quicly consoled Crystal who at lease offered up a good job to her.

Aaron was the next to lear his fate.  But first he had to ramble on about being intimidated by the Judges who he "has grown up with."   Really, you're not even close to grown-up.  Isn't it past your bedtime too?  Ryan then annoys me to no end by telling Aaron that he too is safe and Aaron promptly hugs him.  Hen then goes and takes a seat next to Mike and it looks like David and Goliath on the stools.

So only four remain, Alex/Andrew and Katie/Lilly.  It was pretty obvious what was about to happen.  Lilly was going home.  As for Alex/Andrew it was still a toss-up.  Ryan called the Guys out first.  Apparently the voters stopped rubbing him the right way and voted in droves for Andrew because Ryan gives Alex the bad news.  Alex tried to man up and did a pretty decent job singing his final song on the Idol stage before losing it.  Siobhan was a total wreck as Alex sang as were several others.  Once Alex finished singing everyone stormed the stage to hug and console him.  That lasted right through the commercial break.  Poor Alex didn't know what to do with himself so Ryan had to kinda move him off stage.  That left Katie and Lilly as the last 2 for the final stool.

When Ryan tells Katie that she's safe, Lilly is shocked but recovers quickly.  Not so for Toderick wo says "Damn!"  Crystal who is looking daggers at Ryan, Paige and Katie.  And Katelyn who puts her hand over her mouth and just sits there in utter shock and amazement.  Lilly then offers up this last nugget before she sings her last song: "A lot of incredible talent is going home tonight."  Nice backhanded slap to Katie, Paige, Aaron and Tim (okay, I'm just adding Aaron and Tim because I think they are useless).

So that covers last night.  What do we have to look forward to on Idol?  Well we get the Ford Commercials for one.  Oh how I wish that Toyota was a sponsor of the show instead of Ford.  Sure the commercials have been entertaining at times.  But just think what they could do with Toyota.  Picture this, the Top 12 are all dressed in mechanics uniforms with greese on their hands and faces; the scene is a repair factory where thousands of recalled Toyota's are in various states of repair; and the song would be "Long May You Run" by Neil Young.  Or how about this, the Top whatever are dressed as cops, firemen/women, accident scene recreation investigators and reps from Toyota; the scene is a huge crash involving various makes of Totota and the song would be Sammy Hagar's "I Can't Drive 55."  Anybody with me on this one?

We also get theme weeks.  The first up is the Rolling Stones.  The posibilities are endless so I won't even attempt to speculate on who picks what song.

 It has now also come to the point in the competition when each one of us must select who we believe will be the Next American Idol.  Once I receive everyone's guess, I will post the selections before next Tuesday's show.  In addition, the voting changes starting next week.  Up until this point, each guess has earned 1 point.  Moving forward, each correct guess of who goes home will earn 2 points.  Should your choice for the winner be voted off, you will lose 2 points.  In the past, Idol has voted off 2 contestants after the Top 12 perform so depending on what Ryan announces during Tuesday's show, you may be selecting 2 people to go home on Wednesday.  Don't worry, I will remind everyone via e-mail on Wednesday morning.

Here are the updated standings:
David -- 6
Yolanda -- 6
Scott -- 5
Eric -- 5
Kristen -- 4
Jon -- 4
Mary M. -- 4
Lois -- 4
Emily -- 3
Betty -- 3
Jeff -- 3
April -- 2
Shannon -- 2
Mary W. -- 2
Margret -- 0

1 comment:

  1. Dang it. . .I only now figured it out! I posted a comment under the wrong heading. Sorry! hehe!
